Custom Explainer Videos
Show the value of what you offer
Increase brand awareness
Resonate with your audience
Custom Explainer Videos
Show the value of what you offer
Increase brand awareness
Resonate with your audience
Fully Custom Explainer Videos
Show the value of what you offer
Increase brand awareness
Resonate with your audience
Our Work
Case Studies
"I would like to personally THANK Simon Matthews and his team for helping me and my company 4.0 Inventions with achieving our digital commercial/prototyping goals.Read More
"I would like to personally THANK Simon Matthews and his team for helping me and my company 4.0 Inventions with achieving our digital commercial/prototyping goals.The integrity of this company is optimum and we are fully satisfied with the completed bodies of work, from the storyboards to the end product. I will continue to refer your company and use Open Door Media Solutions again and again. Thank you so much for all you do and I can't wait to work with you again.”
Animation Awards
We are a full-service marketing agency and have a holistic approach to animation. We care that our services fulfill your objectives. This is why we offer services designed to help increase your chances of success every step of the way. We go the extra mile, offering additional marketing and advertising services to maximize your return on investment.
We understand how much your brand means to you, and we want to play a role in helping you grow and expand. That’s why we learn as much about your business and goals as we can to capture the personality and essence of your brand, in every aspect of your animation.
Our award-winning production team consists of storytellers, writers, marketers, animators, and even business strategists. Our combined expertise creates high-quality, fully customized productions that enhance your brand and resonate with your target audience, helping you fulfill each of your marketing objectives.
Are you ready to get started? Get in touch with us today, and let us help you expand your territory!
Many decisions influence the final cost of animation, such as deadlines, the run-time, art style, animation method, complexity, voice-over cost, and market research. The process is a collaborative one, where together, we work with you explaining the value and price of each decision and how it will impact your final cost. Because every brand is unique, we aim to create unique styles to fit you.
It helps to price animation in one-minute increments. At ODMS, high quality, fully custom animations with deep market research typically range from $5,000 to $12,000 per minute. We recommend videos of this quality for brands who serve a broad audience, and the total cost of the animation is no more than one-quarter of their total marketing budget.
We offer animations at an excellent value for companies with tighter budgets, typically starting at $2,750 per minute. These animations get the job done with fewer customizations and fewer bells and whistles. To get an accurate quote, get in touch with us today to see which options are best suited to your goals and budget.
Our production process typically takes four to eight weeks, depending on client feedback and changes requested along the way.
As much as we love animation, it can be a tedious process that requires a broad range of skill sets, including writers, art directors, designers, animators, special effects artists, and marketers.
Of course! For tighter deadlines, just let us know, and we can adjust our production schedule to speed up the process. Bear in mind, the cost may increase to accommodate the tighter deadline, as we’ll be working around the clock to deliver on time.
The first step is to contact us, either by phone at 757 689 7715, email at, or by scheduling a consultation with one of our business development representatives. The call should take no more than 30 minutes.
We’ll ask questions about your objectives and any ideas you may already have during our first engagement. From there, we’ll explain each step in our production process, so there are no surprises.
Once you’ve decided to work with us, we will send you a contract agreement to sign. Once signed and after the initial payment is made, production can begin. Our process is usually broken up into multiple phases, and payment is due before starting each phase.
We accept bank transfers and credit card payments with a 3% processing fee.
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Aliquam ultricies, lorem tempor imperdiet consequat, lorem tortor bibendum justo, ut dignissim tellus nulla vel velit. Curabitur condimentum eget quam tincidunt venenatis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce quis purus eget purus consequat venenatis ut et est. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus vitae tristique arcu, a convallis ipsum. In lectus elit, imperdiet non diam a, sodales finibus sapien. Aliquam auctor lorem lacinia luctus condimentum. Sed at mi justo. Maecenas quis vulputate ligula. Maecenas egestas orci ac justo sagittis commodo vitae nec risus. Nulla facilisi. Sed tempor sollicitudin finibus. Ut ac dignissim dui, ac consectetur erat. Maecenas at posuere elit. Morbi sagittis eu lectus sit amet consequat. Pellentesque faucibus pellentesque iaculis. Proin vel enim tempus, porta urna in, semper mi. Nunc mollis dolor fringilla, ultricies odio id, consectetur nisl. Vestibulum venenatis efficitur nulla, ac euismod erat efficitur rutrum. Donec finibus, augue vel feugiat mattis, nisl risus vehicula mauris, eget ornare ligula justo at elit. Phasellus tincidunt elementum posuere. Curabitur suscipit lacus a neque ullamcorper, sodales iaculis lacus cursus. Duis euismod, dui in laoreet luctus, lacus sem vehicula ipsum, in fermentum dolor augue eu leo. Nullam elementum, dolor eget porttitor dapibus, ipsum odio congue leo, ut tempor odio dolor non nisl. Quisque ac arcu id massa condimentum vestibulum sed eget orci. Ut scelerisque lectus urna, ut ultricies nibh mattis quis. Nunc euismod, justo convallis ultrices euismod, metus neque sollicitudin mi, eget aliquam libero erat sit amet eros. Nunc ac laoreet mi. Vestibulum at libero ut nulla cursus malesuada. Phasellus quis urna at risus mollis porta vitae a lacus. Pellentesque et molestie velit. Maecenas sollicitudin dolor at justo faucibus, at tincidunt arcu vehicula. Quisque eu fringilla risus, id aliquet augue. Quisque in ullamcorper tortor. Etiam urna est, interdum sollicitudin fermentum nec, mollis semper diam. Aenean bibendum sem enim, imperdiet lacinia nisl egestas vel. Suspendisse ultrices eget ante quis sollicitudin. Nullam congue, elit vel ullamcorper facilisis, ipsum arcu lacinia est, id tempus est libero a augue. Suspendisse non nibh ligula. Integer nec ipsum non nunc volutpat eleifend. Nulla vestibulum eget augue quis viverra. Maecenas malesuada quam vel semper tincidunt. Praesent in pretium nisl. Nullam et magna risus. Proin risus sapien, sagittis condimentum augue sed, dapibus placerat erat. Curabitur nisl ex, malesuada vel massa a, suscipit facilisis arcu. Mauris molestie risus eu eros vulputate luctus. Mauris magna libero, placerat nec justo a, interdum lobortis ipsum. Cras pretium tempor nisi. In pulvinar, tellus at dictum venenatis, lorem dui cursus mi, ultricies volutpat sem mauris at sapien. Aliquam sed ligula sit amet tellus convallis placerat non quis metus. Nam nunc nulla, faucibus non malesuada in, semper vitae elit. Donec pretium sed dolor sit amet scelerisque. Suspendisse molestie nibh nisl, vitae semper arcu tempor eu. Fusce semper mi ex, non iaculis magna semper in. Suspendisse at condimentum enim, vel mattis dui. Ut gravida rutrum metus in sollicitudin. Nullam molestie dictum egestas. Vivamus ut finibus velit. Quisque posuere lobortis ligula eu scelerisque. Fusce nec semper mi. Vestibulum luctus dolor a neque posuere, in tempor urna sollicitudin.