It is time some unsung heroes in our communities receive some accolades. Because of these resilient people, there are fewer hurting families. Thank you, heroes!
We had the privilege of interviewing a nearby business owner whose heart is as big as her customers’ love of her food.
Meg Walker, the owner of All Mighty Meals of 1296 S. Battlefield Blvd, in Chesapeake, VA, is a sweet soul who works tirelessly to make sure her community feels loved and cared for. She uses her resources to reach out to those who may have recently lost their jobs by providing some relief from her kitchen.
A few years ago, her budding business started with a generous heart. She explained, “A friend who was a new mom asked me to cook for her to help maintain nutrition and keep up milk supply for [her] baby. She was a full-time teacher, had just gone back to work, and was stressing and eating horribly. I was helping to establish Redwood Smoke Shack food truck with my friend, Bob Roberts, who encouraged me to help her since I was only helping him two days a week.”
In the beginning, and after retiring from 25 years in dentistry, it took Meg time to become efficient at planning and cooking meals. “Slowly, other friends asked me to cook for them, too.”
Meg had a calling for the next phase of her life: “One day I literally heard God tell me to take it public. I changed the plastic boxes to cardboard and began hand-writing scripture and positive quotes on every box. That same friend and her husband, who first asked me to cook for her, said God led them to invest in this business, and they gave me my first $500 to help get my website started. I’ve been at it for three years now, this last year in a commercial kitchen…”
All Mighty Meals depends heavily on the use of her website, created by Open Door Media Solutions, as most of her business comes from online orders. We asked Meg how her business has handled this season when many businesses have had to shut down. “Hallelujah! Volume has increased during this COVID crisis, thanks to God and the business model we have.”
“The only adjustment we had to make, which was again God’s provision, was that we started using Sysco for deliveries at the beginning of February, which has been a blessing with keeping our supply and demand met.”
“My faith was tried when the shelter in place order was issued,” she admits. “Our sales dropped by half as people burned through what they had in their freezers and stock at home. Sales steadily climbed as people emptied their stores and were tired of cooking and planning.”
She never sacrificed quality or service. “In Jesus’ name, we will never cut corners. It’s not my business; it’s HIS. I’m just the steward. We are continually reevaluating our efficiency and coming up with better ideas. Streamlining? Yes. Corner-cutting? No.”
Businesses like Meg’s, which are taking online orders, need to find ways to reassure their customers that their quality standards have not changed. Meg’s kitchen is spotless and open. But with loose enforcement of regulations and low sales volumes, some businesses are tempted to cut corners. They should consider adding proof that they are maintaining the highest quality standards. Intentional marketing, through the use of a website and other venues, can help tremendously.
Meg continued, “See it’s not about the food, although excellent –
That’s the mission; it’s just disguised as a really great meal prep service. Yes, we are helping people we know in need in the community by donating a week of food each week to someone in need: A tattoo artist, a massage therapist, a sound tech [for live venues], a bartender, and a waitress so far. I need a whole other blog for the God stories during this time!”
Any advice for business owners? “Cling to your reason for opening. If it’s faith, get deep in prayer and counsel with God. He works all this for the good of those who love Him. So, love Him!”
Meg Walker is one of many unsung heroes in our communities. Still, her faith and others-oriented mindset issue benevolence toward people in her sphere of influence and neighborhood. Be sure to visit her website and browse the delicious menu. You can also leave her a comment to show your support.
Meg Walker is just one of countless Christian entrepreneurs to use their faith and God-given skills to enrich and empower their communities, not to mention the whole world. Unfortunately, history textbooks tend to gloss over the impact of faith, so we are celebrating the individuals of history who changed the world by obeying the call of God.
Learn how a resilient woman of color and a compassionate Mennonite man became the titans of their industries because of their love of Christ.
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Phasellus id ullamcorper massa, ac luctus mauris. Phasellus suscipit, elit pulvinar aliquam tristique, dui ligula facilisis diam, sed hendrerit lacus tellus sit amet sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin a odio rhoncus, ultrices nisi sed, scelerisque ipsum. Integer pretium sollicitudin nisl. Mauris ultrices mi ipsum, nec vehicula sem commodo sit amet. Etiam cursus, elit non convallis aliquet, dui lacus dictum velit, eget viverra tortor est vitae nisl. Cras vulputate venenatis elit, a gravida felis hendrerit ut. Donec sollicitudin tincidunt sollicitudin. Quisque vel ante ut risus faucibus consectetur. Fusce sed convallis ligula, vitae rhoncus sapien. Nulla congue diam tortor, fringilla tempor arcu lacinia eget. Praesent aliquet varius nisi, sit amet pharetra velit sodales id. Nullam maximus nulla vitae nisi porta, non convallis libero hendrerit. Fusce nulla tellus, lobortis quis vestibulum nec, pharetra eu mauris. Aliquam ultricies, lorem tempor imperdiet consequat, lorem tortor bibendum justo, ut dignissim tellus nulla vel velit. Curabitur condimentum eget quam tincidunt venenatis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce quis purus eget purus consequat venenatis ut et est. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus vitae tristique arcu, a convallis ipsum. In lectus elit, imperdiet non diam a, sodales finibus sapien. Aliquam auctor lorem lacinia luctus condimentum. Sed at mi justo. Maecenas quis vulputate ligula. Maecenas egestas orci ac justo sagittis commodo vitae nec risus. Nulla facilisi. Sed tempor sollicitudin finibus. Ut ac dignissim dui, ac consectetur erat. Maecenas at posuere elit. Morbi sagittis eu lectus sit amet consequat. Pellentesque faucibus pellentesque iaculis. Proin vel enim tempus, porta urna in, semper mi. Nunc mollis dolor fringilla, ultricies odio id, consectetur nisl. Vestibulum venenatis efficitur nulla, ac euismod erat efficitur rutrum. Donec finibus, augue vel feugiat mattis, nisl risus vehicula mauris, eget ornare ligula justo at elit. Phasellus tincidunt elementum posuere. Curabitur suscipit lacus a neque ullamcorper, sodales iaculis lacus cursus. Duis euismod, dui in laoreet luctus, lacus sem vehicula ipsum, in fermentum dolor augue eu leo. Nullam elementum, dolor eget porttitor dapibus, ipsum odio congue leo, ut tempor odio dolor non nisl. Quisque ac arcu id massa condimentum vestibulum sed eget orci. Ut scelerisque lectus urna, ut ultricies nibh mattis quis. Nunc euismod, justo convallis ultrices euismod, metus neque sollicitudin mi, eget aliquam libero erat sit amet eros. Nunc ac laoreet mi. Vestibulum at libero ut nulla cursus malesuada. Phasellus quis urna at risus mollis porta vitae a lacus. Pellentesque et molestie velit. Maecenas sollicitudin dolor at justo faucibus, at tincidunt arcu vehicula. Quisque eu fringilla risus, id aliquet augue. Quisque in ullamcorper tortor. Etiam urna est, interdum sollicitudin fermentum nec, mollis semper diam. Aenean bibendum sem enim, imperdiet lacinia nisl egestas vel. Suspendisse ultrices eget ante quis sollicitudin. Nullam congue, elit vel ullamcorper facilisis, ipsum arcu lacinia est, id tempus est libero a augue. Suspendisse non nibh ligula. Integer nec ipsum non nunc volutpat eleifend. Nulla vestibulum eget augue quis viverra. Maecenas malesuada quam vel semper tincidunt. Praesent in pretium nisl. Nullam et magna risus. Proin risus sapien, sagittis condimentum augue sed, dapibus placerat erat. Curabitur nisl ex, malesuada vel massa a, suscipit facilisis arcu. Mauris molestie risus eu eros vulputate luctus. Mauris magna libero, placerat nec justo a, interdum lobortis ipsum. Cras pretium tempor nisi. In pulvinar, tellus at dictum venenatis, lorem dui cursus mi, ultricies volutpat sem mauris at sapien. Aliquam sed ligula sit amet tellus convallis placerat non quis metus. Nam nunc nulla, faucibus non malesuada in, semper vitae elit. Donec pretium sed dolor sit amet scelerisque. Suspendisse molestie nibh nisl, vitae semper arcu tempor eu. Fusce semper mi ex, non iaculis magna semper in. Suspendisse at condimentum enim, vel mattis dui. Ut gravida rutrum metus in sollicitudin. Nullam molestie dictum egestas. Vivamus ut finibus velit. Quisque posuere lobortis ligula eu scelerisque. Fusce nec semper mi. Vestibulum luctus dolor a neque posuere, in tempor urna sollicitudin.