Let us Design & Build Your Website!
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Let us Design & Build Your Website!
Starting a new business has never been easier
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Let us Design & Build Your Website!
Starting a new business has
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Whether you’re starting a new business or revamping an existing one, you could benefit from a professional website. We often talk to clients who have experience creating their own website, but they come to Open Door because they want more from their site. The value your website adds to your business is similar to the contributions of an employee, except your website is working for you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. It’s such a valuable asset, you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of your website investment.
A well-conceived design that aligns with your corporate-level objectives is one of the key components in getting the results you want, as well as favorable placement in search engines. At Open Door, we have a proven seven phase process that ensures that the most important elements of your objectives are factored into the final design. We believe in transparency and growing trusted long-term relationships with each of our clients. With that said, we understand the many challenges businesses face and are tirelessly developing solutions for every stage of your journey. We love helping people succeed! To learn more about how we can help you, send us an email or schedule a call with one of our representatives.
We look forward to learning more about your goals and being a trusted ally throughout your journey.
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Our Process
Effective web design requires meticulous planning and a good understanding of who you are and what connects you to your target audience. Design aims to accomplish several goals and objectives at once. In its simplest form, a great design achieves attraction, persuasion, and a call to action.
1. Defining the Project Objectives
During this process, we identify key audience needs, your main competitors, and your company’s overall goals and objectives.
We begin by interviewing the core stakeholders to understand the reason and purpose for the website. There are times when an event or change in season can trigger a change in your business strategy or even affect the service you offer. This requires flexibility, so we position ourselves to align with your company’s overall goals and objectives. These goals and objectives affect all future decisions including the visual design, the time frame for production, and even the functional details of how the website works. During this process, we identify key audience needs and your main competitors. This information is gathered and compiled into what’s called a Design Brief. The Design Brief includes the following information:
2. Defining the Project Scope
Understanding the project’s scope is essential to creating a website that is easy to manage while minimizing unexpected challenges.
In the previous step, we defined your “objectives” – what you aim to accomplish with the site. “Scope” is what your site needs in order to achieve those objectives.Understanding the scope of work involved in developing your website is critical. Creating a website that is too big to manage can create new and unexpected challenges that can be difficult to overcome. Therefore, we want to make a site that has room to grow while being manageable.Another common challenge in the web development process is called “Scope Creep.” This happens when new ideas enter the mix that have ripple effects throughout the entire process, resulting in missed deadlines and blurred objectives.To ensure a smoother process that stays within the project’s budget, it is important to define and adhere to the scope, while also including some measure of flexibility.
3. Wireframing & Architecture
Wireframing shows the heirarchy of content, the navigational scheme, and the flow of information on each webpage.
The wireframe is the blueprint of your website. It focuses on showing the hierarchy of content, the navigational scheme, and the flow of information.Organizing the placement of content and information is key to enhacing the user experience of your website, leading to more engagement.The wireframing phase does not include graphic elements, but it may have notes regarding the kinds of graphics or color schemes to be used.During this stage, future types of content and functionality can be identified as well, such as slideshows, podcasts, streaming videos, and online purchases.
4. Graphic Design
After the wireframing phase, a visual design is developed based on the company’s brand, intended message, and target audience.
In this step, visual elements are added to the wireframe to bring the design closer to the final look of your website.Visual elements include:
5. Responsive Design
We make the new design of your website uphold a consistent look and functionality across a variety of screen sizes.
People are no longer viewing websites exclusively from their desktop computers. There’s a high probability that your audience will access your website via mobile or tablet device, so a professional website needs to maintain the same level of quality on mobile as it does on desktop.
Accessibility and functionality is important regardless of screen size. Responsive web design (RWD) is the process that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and screen sizes.
6. Build, Test, & Launch
Per your approval, the design is built into a working site, which is tested repeatedly for user-friendliness and functionality before launch.
After all of the proceeding steps are approved, we begin building your website. This includes all noted functions from the design such as menus, clickable elements, and animations.Once the “alpha” version is complete, we will rigorously test and iterate your site to ensure it is free of bugs, errors, and other disruptions to the user experience.Finally, per your approval, we will launch the completed version of your site.
7. Maintenance
Regular maintenance is critical to keep your website protected, up-to-date, and running optimally.
Your website is dynamic and alive, requiring regular maintenance to keep links up to date and new content uploaded. Updates to plugins and site scripting languages are essential for ensuring your site runs at optimal speeds.Websites also need to be protected against threats such as hackers and viruses. Skipping this step is not advisable as it still serves as the main point of contact between you and your target audience.
1. Defining the Project Objectives
During this process, we identify key audience needs, your main competitors, and your company’s overall goals and objectives.
2. Defining the Project Scope
Understanding the project’s scope is essential to creating a website that is easy to manage while minimizing unexpected challenges.
3. Wireframing & Architecture
Wireframing shows the heirarchy of content, the navigational scheme, and the flow of information on each webpage.
4. Graphic Design
After the wireframing phase, a visual design is developed based on the company’s brand, intended message, and target audience.
5. Responsive Design
We make the new design of your website uphold a consistent look and functionality across a variety of screen sizes.
6. Build, Test, & Launch
The design is built into a working site, which is tested repeatedly for user-friendliness and functionality before launch.
7. Maintenance
Regular maintenance is critical to keep your website protected, up-to-date, and running optimally.
Other Web Services
Whether you’re working out of an existing brick-and-mortar location or looking to sell from home, an online store will greatly increase your bottom line. Take your business online today.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
A website’s effectiveness is only as good as its visibility. Improved SEO is essential to ranking higher with search engines like Google and Bing, which will increase traffic to your website.
Web Analytics
Track website views, content interactions, and more to better understand user behavior and the effectiveness of your website. Using this data effectively can increase site traffic, conversions, and sales.
Responsive Design
A professional website must maintain the same level of quality and functionality across all devices and screen sizes. Let us design mobile and tablet views for your website.
"I would like to personally THANK Simon Matthews and his team for helping me and my company 4.0 Inventions with achieving our digital commercial/prototyping goals.Read More
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“DIY Marketing
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Most start-ups fail in their first year due to lack of guidance and marketing. We’ve compiled crucial tips based on real-world experience that will help your business not just survive but thrive.
A standard website can take 4-8 weeks, depending on the complexity.
DIY web-builders like Wix and Squarespace are great for keeping development costs low and creating simple websites more quickly — that’s why we partner with Wix for some projects.
However, DIY web-builders can be very limited in terms of customization and features. For those wanting more freedom of customization and/or have very specific goals for their website, professional web development on a more sophisticated web-builder like WordPress is recommended.
Regardless of what platform is used to build your site, let Open Door do the building so your time and energy is freed up for the things you enjoy doing.
After the final payment is made, you will be granted a copyright license and control of the website. We will have some access to the website for maintenance purposes.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed at enim quis nibh mollis rhoncus. Nunc malesuada leo a lectus gravida, et egestas ante tincidunt. Vestibulum et lectus arcu. Nullam varius mauris tellus, in scelerisque arcu aliquet mollis. Integer sit amet nulla maximus risus ornare ultrices vitae eget sem. Curabitur ac leo et ante feugiat condimentum ac id ligula. Nunc quis turpis lacus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin non metus elit. Quisque tempor ac diam ac pulvinar. Etiam lacus dolor, commodo sed tincidunt semper, cursus nec dolor. Sed imperdiet tellus mauris, quis vulputate turpis sollicitudin at. Maecenas volutpat ornare neque. In a urna sem. Ut laoreet metus non elit ornare, a viverra magna hendrerit. Aenean vitae eros eu ex ullamcorper sollicitudin ac in tellus. Sed quis neque a odio eleifend dapibus eu sit amet ligula. Donec porttitor tellus libero, vitae facilisis augue elementum accumsan. Aenean consequat eleifend risus vitae molestie. Aenean nunc massa, tristique a venenatis at, consequat nec ligula. Nunc quis turpis metus. Fusce orci tellus, efficitur eget dolor in, eleifend fermentum justo. Pellentesque et sem fringilla, lobortis ligula at, lobortis dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus suscipit mauris lorem, id rhoncus turpis iaculis in. Ut non arcu nulla. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc ultricies odio vitae turpis interdum, ac tincidunt tellus suscipit. Vivamus non tellus quis arcu dictum vulputate id quis libero. Nullam suscipit odio et auctor laoreet. Curabitur porta bibendum mauris ut semper. Donec nec dapibus diam. Sed felis felis, lacinia a nisi non, volutpat finibus purus. Vivamus eros metus, sollicitudin sit amet consequat at, lobortis vitae leo. Aliquam tempus condimentum massa eget viverra. Morbi mi neque, vulputate vel ullamcorper at, eleifend fermentum tortor. Phasellus id ullamcorper massa, ac luctus mauris. Phasellus suscipit, elit pulvinar aliquam tristique, dui ligula facilisis diam, sed hendrerit lacus tellus sit amet sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin a odio rhoncus, ultrices nisi sed, scelerisque ipsum. Integer pretium sollicitudin nisl. Mauris ultrices mi ipsum, nec vehicula sem commodo sit amet. Etiam cursus, elit non convallis aliquet, dui lacus dictum velit, eget viverra tortor est vitae nisl. Cras vulputate venenatis elit, a gravida felis hendrerit ut. Donec sollicitudin tincidunt sollicitudin. Quisque vel ante ut risus faucibus consectetur. Fusce sed convallis ligula, vitae rhoncus sapien. Nulla congue diam tortor, fringilla tempor arcu lacinia eget. Praesent aliquet varius nisi, sit amet pharetra velit sodales id. Nullam maximus nulla vitae nisi porta, non convallis libero hendrerit. Fusce nulla tellus, lobortis quis vestibulum nec, pharetra eu mauris. Aliquam ultricies, lorem tempor imperdiet consequat, lorem tortor bibendum justo, ut dignissim tellus nulla vel velit. Curabitur condimentum eget quam tincidunt venenatis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce quis purus eget purus consequat venenatis ut et est. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus vitae tristique arcu, a convallis ipsum. In lectus elit, imperdiet non diam a, sodales finibus sapien. Aliquam auctor lorem lacinia luctus condimentum. Sed at mi justo. Maecenas quis vulputate ligula. Maecenas egestas orci ac justo sagittis commodo vitae nec risus. Nulla facilisi. Sed tempor sollicitudin finibus. Ut ac dignissim dui, ac consectetur erat. Maecenas at posuere elit. Morbi sagittis eu lectus sit amet consequat. Pellentesque faucibus pellentesque iaculis. Proin vel enim tempus, porta urna in, semper mi. Nunc mollis dolor fringilla, ultricies odio id, consectetur nisl. Vestibulum venenatis efficitur nulla, ac euismod erat efficitur rutrum. Donec finibus, augue vel feugiat mattis, nisl risus vehicula mauris, eget ornare ligula justo at elit. Phasellus tincidunt elementum posuere. Curabitur suscipit lacus a neque ullamcorper, sodales iaculis lacus cursus. Duis euismod, dui in laoreet luctus, lacus sem vehicula ipsum, in fermentum dolor augue eu leo. Nullam elementum, dolor eget porttitor dapibus, ipsum odio congue leo, ut tempor odio dolor non nisl. Quisque ac arcu id massa condimentum vestibulum sed eget orci. Ut scelerisque lectus urna, ut ultricies nibh mattis quis. Nunc euismod, justo convallis ultrices euismod, metus neque sollicitudin mi, eget aliquam libero erat sit amet eros. Nunc ac laoreet mi. Vestibulum at libero ut nulla cursus malesuada. Phasellus quis urna at risus mollis porta vitae a lacus. Pellentesque et molestie velit. Maecenas sollicitudin dolor at justo faucibus, at tincidunt arcu vehicula. Quisque eu fringilla risus, id aliquet augue. Quisque in ullamcorper tortor. Etiam urna est, interdum sollicitudin fermentum nec, mollis semper diam. Aenean bibendum sem enim, imperdiet lacinia nisl egestas vel. Suspendisse ultrices eget ante quis sollicitudin. Nullam congue, elit vel ullamcorper facilisis, ipsum arcu lacinia est, id tempus est libero a augue. Suspendisse non nibh ligula. Integer nec ipsum non nunc volutpat eleifend. Nulla vestibulum eget augue quis viverra. Maecenas malesuada quam vel semper tincidunt. Praesent in pretium nisl. Nullam et magna risus. Proin risus sapien, sagittis condimentum augue sed, dapibus placerat erat. Curabitur nisl ex, malesuada vel massa a, suscipit facilisis arcu. Mauris molestie risus eu eros vulputate luctus. Mauris magna libero, placerat nec justo a, interdum lobortis ipsum. Cras pretium tempor nisi. In pulvinar, tellus at dictum venenatis, lorem dui cursus mi, ultricies volutpat sem mauris at sapien. Aliquam sed ligula sit amet tellus convallis placerat non quis metus. Nam nunc nulla, faucibus non malesuada in, semper vitae elit. Donec pretium sed dolor sit amet scelerisque. Suspendisse molestie nibh nisl, vitae semper arcu tempor eu. Fusce semper mi ex, non iaculis magna semper in. Suspendisse at condimentum enim, vel mattis dui. Ut gravida rutrum metus in sollicitudin. Nullam molestie dictum egestas. Vivamus ut finibus velit. Quisque posuere lobortis ligula eu scelerisque. Fusce nec semper mi. Vestibulum luctus dolor a neque posuere, in tempor urna sollicitudin.
We begin by interviewing the core stakeholders to understand the reason and purpose for the website. There are times when an event or change in season can trigger a change in your business strategy or even affect the service you offer. This requires flexibility, so we position ourselves to align with your company’s overall goals and objectives. These goals and objectives affect all future decisions including the visual design, the time frame for production, and even the functional details of how the website works. During this process, we identify key audience needs and your main competitors. This information is gathered and compiled into what’s called a Design Brief. The Design Brief includes the following information:
In the previous step, we defined your “objectives” – what you aim to accomplish with the site. “Scope” is what your site needs in order to achieve those objectives.
Understanding the scope of work involved in developing your website is critical. Creating a website that is too big to manage can create new and unexpected challenges that can be difficult to overcome. Therefore, we want to make a site that has room to grow while being manageable.
Another common challenge in the web development process is called “Scope Creep.” This happens when new ideas enter the mix that have ripple effects throughout the entire process, resulting in missed deadlines and blurred objectives.
To ensure a smoother process that stays within the project’s budget, it is important to define and adhere to the scope, while also including some measure of flexibility.
The wireframe is the blueprint of your website. It focuses on showing the hierarchy of content, the navigational scheme, and the flow of information.
Organizing the placement of content and information is key to enhacing the user experience of your website, leading to more engagement.
The wireframing phase does not include graphic elements, but it may have notes regarding the kinds of graphics or color schemes to be used.
During this stage, future types of content and functionality can be identified as well, such as slideshows, podcasts, streaming videos, and online purchases.
In this step, visual elements are added to the wireframe to bring the design closer to the final look of your website.
Visual elements include:
People are no longer viewing websites exclusively from their desktop computers. There’s a high probability that your audience will access your website via mobile or tablet device, so a professional website needs to maintain the same level of quality on mobile as it does on desktop.
Accessibility and functionality is important regardless of screen size. Responsive web design (RWD) is the process that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and screen sizes.
After all of the proceeding steps are approved, we begin building your website. This includes all noted functions from the design such as menus, clickable elements, and animations.
Once the “alpha” version is complete, we will rigorously test and iterate your site to ensure it is free of bugs, errors, and other disruptions to the user experience.
Finally, per your approval, we will launch the completed version of your site.
Your website is dynamic and alive, requiring regular maintenance to keep links up to date and new content uploaded. Updates to plugins and site scripting languages are essential for ensuring your site runs at optimal speeds.
Websites also need to be protected against threats such as hackers and viruses. Skipping this step is not advisable as it still serves as the main point of contact between you and your target audience.
E-Commerce refers to buying and selling through online retail, online shopping, and electronic transactions globally.
We offer custom built E-Commerce websites and integrated E-Commerce pages into your existing website using platforms such as WooCommerce and Shopify.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engines like Google and Bing produce results based on how well a website’s keywords and metadata match a user’s search terms. Improving your website’s SEO means it’s more likely to rank high in a wide number of search results, which means more traffic to your site and more conversions.
We can increase your websites visibility. Schedule a free consultation today.
Web Analytics
A key part of website upkeep is understanding how your users interact with the content on your page. Do they scroll through the whole page or leave after a few seconds? Are they watching your videos and for how long? How often are buttons getting clicked?
Understanding what’s working and what isn’t with your website can help you make decisions that will lead to higher retention and conversion rates. Using trackers such as Google Analytics and Tag Manager, we can set you up with insights into clicks, views, bounce rate, and more.
Responsive Design
Every professional website should look and function well on all screen sizes. Statistics show that a majority of people spend most of their internet time on phones more so than standard desktop computers. Browsing social media, reading articles, shopping – all can be done almost anywhere at anytime thanks to mobile devices such as phones and tablets.
Represent your brand well across all devices. Schedule a free consultation about how we can make your website responsive.